Touch Morse v1.2 is submitted

Touch Morse v1.2を申請しました.数週間後にリリースされると思います.v1.2で追加される機能は2つです.

(1) モールス符号の登録・再生ボタンの追加

(2) 外部アプリケーションとの連携

Touch Morse v1.2 is submitted. It may be released after a few weeks. v1.2 has new two features.

(1) It adds five buttons to play and record the Morse code.
You can play frequently used codes by one buttons and record it at the buttons.

(2) It cooperates with two applications: mail and twitter.
You can send Morse code to your friends using mail or twitter. Here, if LITE edition, it is tweeted with the signature "by TouchMorse". And since it adds "copy" for paste, it can be used at other applications.

If you want to contact me, please mail me with English or Japanese, no Morse code :)

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